A selection of photographs documenting the restoration, with the most recent changes in the top galleries. Unfortunately it is not possible to provide captions for each image, so the images are sorted by areas within each month.
Year 2
March 2024: Preparation of material; removing temporary roof; constructing roof above painted room in south wing; tying northeastern corner of Entry Hall on upper level across the corner; dismantling the entry side of the Assembly Hall on both levels.
Year 1
October 2023: Adding balcony above porch; adding floor on upper level of Entry Hall; finishing reconstruction of the wall in the northwest corner of the Assembly Hall; finishing wooden structure of painted room; installing temporary roofs everywhere.
September 2023: Introducing new support under painted wall; dismantling remaining structure of painted room and rebuilding it; dismantling upper level of bulging wall in northwest corner of Assembly Hall and rebuilding it.
August 2023: Stone floor in Entry Hall; continue reconstruction of top level; continue reconstruction of southeast corner of south wing; removing rotten support underneath the wall of the painted room; minor water damage due to heavy rain.
July 2023: Reconstructing porch and top level of Entry Hall; supporting painted room structure in the south wing to enable the exchange of rotten wooden members; continuing work on southwest corner and foundation; creating circumambulation path.
June 2023: Continuing reconstruction of Entry Hall; stairs in front of it; second floor of the western room in the south wing; rebuilding southeastern corner of the south wing; foundation work.
May 2023: Work on foundation; rebuilding lower floor of the western room of the south wing; starting the reconstruction of the wooden structure of the Entry Hall; removing the concrete mani wall north of the temple to enable proper drainage.
April 2023: work on foundation; dismantling of the southwest corner structure, a poorly constructed later addition; dismantling of the two levels of the Entry Hall and its balcony; dismantling of the western room of the south wing to rebuild it.
March 2023: Blessing; work at the entry area, to the right side of the entry hall, along the circumambulation path and inside the temple; exploring the foundation of the walls and condition of the wooden supports.
Gönpa Gang Prior to Restoration